
Empower young athletes to learn about, train for, and race triathlon.


Help young athletes navigate their world through sport.

Core Values

Grit - Our athletes are tough; we ask them to dig deep and show us their strength. We also believe that grit is a learnable trait, and one we try to foster. It can be used anywhere in life!

Agency - We encourage our athletes to have agency over their own individual path to success.

Fitness - Triathlon requires fitness! So does life. We teach our athletes that feeling fit feels good - who wouldn’t want it?!

Respect - We treat others the way we ourselves want to be treated. We require that each teammate honors the strength and light in others.

Communication- Almost everything can be solved with honesty and clear communication.

Health - We believe in a holistic approach to health. Sometimes the healthiest path forward involves rest, recovery, rejuvenation.

Fun - If it’s not fun, it’s not worth doing. We keep it light and focus on enjoyment!

Friendship - The best part of sport are the memories we make along the way. We do that by being part of a team, a community, a family.